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Product Applications Guide

Product Applications Guide

This product applications guide provides a list of common items and their use in first aid situations.  We disclaim any liability for any misinterpretation or misuse arising from the use of this guide.


Description Use in First Aid
Antiseptic Cream to apply to cuts, grazes and minor wounds
Antiseptic Lotion to clean a wound with cotton wool / cotton ball
Antiseptic Swab to clean a wound
Cleansing Wipe to clean cuts, grazes and minor wounds
Alcohol Prep Pad as an antiseptic / germicide
Povidone Iodine Prep Pad as an antiseptic / germicide
Povidone Iodine Swabstick as an antiseptic / germicide
Iodine Solution as an antiseptic / germicide
Acriflavine Solution as an antiseptic / germicide
Burn Gel to provide cooling, soothing relief for minor burns
Calamine Lotion to soothe insect bites and minor rashes
Ammonia Inhalant to assist in reviving casualty from faintness or shock
Smelling Salt to relieve nasal congestion and faintness
Stingose Gel to soothe stings and insect bites
Hot / Cold Pack                     to provide relief to sprains and swellings


Description Use in First Aid
Artery Forceps to clamp bleeding vessel
Dressing Forceps (Dissecting) to remove splinters or to hold a dressing
Dressing Forceps (Curved) to hold gauze or cotton wool for cleansing
Dressing Scissors to cut gauze or bandage
Bandage Scissors to cut bandage from the body
Shear Scissors / Tuff Cut Scissors to cut clothing, blanket, seat belts, etc.
Finger Ring Cutter to saw the ring band into two when it is difficult to remove
Kidney Dish to contain liquid for cleansing or dressing instruments
Tongue Depressor Use as a spatula, mixer or finger splint
Disposable Apron for personal protection and hygiene
Disposable Face Mask for personal protection and hygiene
Disposable Gloves for personal protection and hygiene
Disposable Goggles for personal protection and hygiene
Disposable Heat Retaining Blanket / Emergency Foil Blanket to keep warm (can reflect over 90% of radiated body heat)
Eye-Wash Bottle to contain water or saline for eye irrigation
Eye-Wash Station to keep eye-wash bottles
Eye Magnet with Loop for emergency removal of metallic and non-metallic objects from the eye
H.I.S. to control head movement and maintain spine alignment
First Collar to maintain cervical spline in a neutral position
Finger Splint alumaform finger splint, can be cut to fit
Full Leg Splint leg immobilisers, to be fastened by straps
Inflatable Splint air splint to immobile the limb
SAM Splint to use for support of the leg, arm, humerus or cervical spine
Telescopic Splint plastic splint for first aid support of bone / joint injuries
Diagnostic Penlight a small torch to diagnose contracted eyeball
Safety Pins to secure bandage or for other fastening purposes
Feverscan to read forehead temperature
Thermometer (Clinical) to read body temperature
Bio-Hazard Disposable Bag for safe disposal of clinical waste
Disposable Yellow Bag for disposal of soiled gloves, wipes, dressings, etc.
Pocket Mask to aid resuscitation
First Aid Airway / Revive Aid to aid resuscitation
Disposable Resuscitation Pack to prevent cross infections during CPR
Obstetrical Kit a kit to aid in emergency pre-hospital delivery
Infection Control Kit a kit for protection against and control of infectious diseases
Snake Bite Kit a kit to aid in removing poison from stings or bites through suction
Burn Kit a kit for burns emergency


Description Use in First Aid
Constrictive Bandage     for use as tourniquet
Triangular Bandage for arm sling and general bandaging or padding
W.O.W. Roller Bandage for general and simple dressing retention
Conforming Bandage for dressing retention, conforms well to the body
Crepe Bandage to provide light support for minor sprains and strains
Elastic Bandage to provide support for sprained joints
Singlefix ready-to-use dressing cum bandage for one finger
Surgifix Size 1-2 an open mesh bandage to hold dressing in place (for hand, wrist, arm, elbow)
Surgifix Size 3-4 an open mesh bandage to hold dressing in place (for knee, leg, foot, shoulder)
Surgifix Size 5-6 an open mesh bandage to hold dressing in place (for head, hip, thigh, axilla)
Cotton Ball to apply medication
Cotton Bud to apply medication
Cotton Wool (Sterile) 15g to clean wound, apply medication or as a padding
No. 3 Extra Large Dressing to cover a large wound with a bandage to tie
No. 7 Finger Dressing to cover a finger with a bandage to tie
No. 8 Medium Dressing to cover a wound with a bandage to tie
No. 9 Large Dressing to cover a wound with a bandage to tie
No. 16 Eye Pad Dressing to cover an eye with a bandage to tie
Non-Adhesive Dressing to cover minor cut or graze while not sticking to wound
Absorbent Gauze 10's to clean wound or apply medication
Gauze Swab to clean or dress a wound
Absorbent Lint to apply medication or ointment
Dressing Strip to cover a small wound
Europlast Plaster sterile first aid plaster for cuts, bruises, scratches, sores, etc.
Hypoallergenic Tape to secure a dressing pad or bandage in place
Waterproof Tape to protect dressing from water
Zinc Oxide Plaster to use for strapping
Zinc Oxide Tape to use for strapping
Burn Dressings to provide cool and effective burn treatment
Burn Mask to provide cool and effective burn treatment for face
Fire Blanket to reduce damage caused to human or material when caught fire



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