BurnFree solves the immediate first aid needs for all types of burns by relieving the pain, rapidly removing the heat and cooling the burn.
BurnFree Gel is ideal for all minor burns. The convenience of a 2oz (60ml) squeeze bottle makes BurnFree Pain Relieving Gel portable and easy to use to treat burns. The 2oz (60ml) bottle is designed for inclusion in first aid kits at home and in the workplace.
BurnFree Gel is viscous enough for it to remain on the burn wound and not run off, while simultaneously drawing the heat out and up into the gel. This gel is ideal for all minor burns. It is the same solution found in the burn dressings and fire/trauma blankets. The convenience of a 2oz (60ml) squeeze bottle makes BurnFree Pain Relieving Gel portable and easy to use to treat burns.
The 2oz (60ml) bottle is designed for inclusion in first aid kits at home and in the workplace.
- Provides immediate pain relief by covering exposed nerve endings
- Rapidly cools and soothes the burn
- Draws the heat out and stops the burn progression
- Reduces swelling, redness, and additional skin and tissue damage
- Formulated using medical grade ingredients
- Portable, safe and easy to use
- No related products at this time.